This industrial giant, hidden in the hope valley, has been begging for an explore for AGES. it has been talked about and talked about for as long as i have been expolring for!!!
Well finally after a drain fail (rain and high water FTL :( ) we decided to go to hope for a snoop round!!
well after a few comedy moments, and some stealthing around dodging from shadow to shadow and from tree to tree taking pics as we went, we decided to have a go at the chimmney. we could see what we thought was the walkway so we went for it!! anyhow we were MAJORLY dissapointed to find this walkway didnt go to the platform, BUGGER. it was preety late by this time and not wanting to outstay our welcome we were off into the darkness, laughing like a pair of hyenas!!
anyhow, im only going to post 5 images, the rest can be seen on this thread
I have to say Thanks to lafarge for giving us the opportunity (without realizing they have) too see this ;) and thanks to mendo for the reccy's and stuff!!